Lantozid (lantosidum)

LANTOZID (Lantosidum).
     Novogalenovy preparation containing alcohol (70%) solution amounts of glycosides from the leaves lapidary woolly. Transparent liquid jellies sun green or green, bitter taste, smell of alcohol.
     Содержит в 1 мл 9 - 12 ЛЕД или 1, 5 - 1, 6 КЕД, что по активности соответ ствует примерно 0,2 г листьев наперстянки пурпуровой.
     A similar amount of alcohol solutions glycosides of lapidary purpurovaya but quickly absorbed; Have less cumulative.
     Applied primarily in outpatient facilities for maintenance therapy in chronic circulatory failure I, II and III level, accompanied by palpitations, and the flickering tahiaritmiey predserdy.
     Is the inside of 15 - 20 drops of 2 to 3 times a day. При возникно вении диспепсических явлений можно назначать лантозид в виде микроклизм (20 - 30 капель в 20 мл изотонического раствора натрия хлорида).
     Higher doses for adults inside : 25 drops off, the daily 75 drops.
     Product : sklyankah in orange glass for 15 ml.
     Storage : List B. In cool, the dark spot.
     R p. : 15 ml Lantosidi
     D.S. For 15 - 20 drops of 2 to 3 times a day
     R p. : 15 ml Lantosidi
     D.S. In mikroklizme drops 2 to 20 times a day

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