Yodovidon (iodovidonum)

YODOVIDON (Iodovidonum).
     Set polivinilpirrolidonom with iodine.
     Implemented as a 1% solution (design for active iodine) Solutio Iodovidoni 1%.
     Dark brown viscous liquid odourless or with low specific smell. Blending with water in any ratio.
     It has bactericidal activity against intestinal wand, golden Staphylococcus proteus.
     Applied to heal wounds and burns. Rana pre-peeled (process) solution of hydrogen peroxide, then impose marlevuyu bandage soaked 0.5% or 1% solution yodovidona.
     Tissue changes 2 times a day for 5 to 7 days. After cleaning the wounds of cancer and the emergence granulyatsiyb washed with 0.5% or 1% solution, and placed a bandage yodovidona with antiseptic ointment (Vishnevskogo ointment, etc.).
     Application solution yodovidona contraindicated with sensitivity to iodine.
     Product : 1% solution in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 1 litre.
     Storage; List B. In the dark spot. 0.5% solution prepared from 1% solution and stored in dark glass bottles, not more than 4 per day.
     Sulyodopiron (Suliodopironum). Combined preparation containing yodopiron (or yodovidon), in combination with surface-active substances.
     Liquid dark brown color to a specific smell; Foaming with shaking.
     Applied to stop the hand surgeon and operating margins, for initial processing wounds, burns and the treatment of infected wounds and burns.

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