Yodopiron (iodopironum)

YODOPIRON (Iodopironum).
     Mixture of polivinilpirrolidonyoda with potassium iodide. Yellow-brown amorphous powder, soluble in water (slow).
     Used in the form of 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% solutions as a means of microbicides for hand surgeons and operating margins, as well as for the treatment of wounds festering.
     For the hands of a surgeon using 0.1% solution for operating fields and treat wounds investments - 0.5% and 1% solutions.
     Powder yodopirona includes 6 - 8% of the iodine. 1% solution (on the active iodine,) are in a pharmacy; 0.1% and 0.5% solutions from a 1% solution immediately before use.
     Powder yodopirona issued in dark glass bottles for 150 g.
     Storage : List B. In dry, the dark spot. 1% solution stored in bottles or banks dark glasses no more than 2 months.

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