Lemon Grass (herba origani vulgaris)

GRASS DUSHITSY (Herba Origani vulgaris).
     The collected during flowering and dried grass multi dikoras growing herbaceous plants lemon ordinary (O riganum vulgare L.), herewith. Lamiaceae (Lamina with e r).
     It contains essential oils (less than 0.1%), consisting of thymol and its isomer karvakol, flavonoids, tanning agents and others.
     Applied as extraordinary means. Enhance also periodically staltiku ulcers in his atony.
     Inside are in the form of infusion (10,0 : 200.0) and 1 canteen spoon three times a day.
     Assign also External - bath (as a light antisepti real and increasing funds).
     Product : chopped raw material in cardboard packets of 100 g.
     Briquettes lemon grass (In riketum herbae rigani O). Made of a mild lemon grass melchennoy.
     Sheet cakes rectangular size of 120 x 65 x 10 mm, 75 g wt unlikely; Hard divided 10 equal portions (7, 5 g). One portion pour a glass of boiling water, insist 15 - 20 min, protsezhivayut, drink in a warm and 1 / 2 cup 3 - 4 times a day.

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