Ye (diuciphonum)

Ye (Diuciphonum). para Para - (2, 4-Diokso-6- metilpirimidinil-5- sulfonamino) - difenilsulfon.
     White or cream shade with white crystalline powder. Derived diaminodifenilsulfona two metiluratsila balances.
     Connecting synthesized at a cost of the active drug with protivoleproznogo better portability than diaminodifenilsulfon, and the incentive effects on the metabolic processes in the body.
     It was found that Ye had expressed ummunomodulating activity.
     Ye applied for the treatment of leprosy, as well as the treatment of some diseases with a Immunodeficiencies of the organism, including dermatosis (psoriasis, sclerodermia and others), rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, chronic nonspecific lung disease, etc.
     Assign Ye inside of 0.1 g 3 to 4 times a day or impose intramuscularly to 4 ml of 5% solution (0.2 g) 1 every day.
     When leprosy take long, in combination with other means. In Medicine and other diseases treatment usually 5-day cycles with a one-day break. The duration depends on the nature and course of the disease, the effectiveness and acceptability of the drug.
     By reducing the body's immune reactivity, patients with pulmonary conditions appoint two intramuscular injection rate of 3 injections a day with a two-day break between courses, only 6 injections.
     Product : powder.

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