Litonit (litonitum)

LITONIT (Litonitum).
     Lithium salt nicotinic acid.
     The white crystalline powder. The easily soluble in water.
     Litonit proposed as a means of non-support for the integrated treatment of alcoholism. The operation is aimed at improving the hemodynamic and metabolic processes (through component-see nicotinic acid) and reduced speed disorders (by lithium ion).
     Litonit applied to reduce the attraction of alcohol, reduce alcohol events, as well as acute alcohol intoxication (in conjunction with other tools and how treatment).
     Using litonit a 10% solution intravenously.
     When opioid syndrome imposed on the 0.1 - 0.2 g (1-2 vials content), 2 times a day for 1 week. Intravenous introduction can be combined with the emotional and psychological stress (see Special funds for the treatment of alcoholism).
     In acute alcohol poisoning litonit injected to the disappearance of intoxication tentatively razvedya solution in the 10 - 15-40 ml of 5% glucose solution.
     In applying litonita possible side effects related to nicotinic acid (Blush face and the upper half of the body, feeling tide to the head, urticaria, etc.). Intravenous drug must be a horizontal patient.
     Application litonita contraindicated in beremennostn, acute renal and liver failure, poisoning by drugs and other chemical compounds in poor Portability drugs nicotinic acid.
     Product type : 10% injection of 1 mg ml (Sol. Litoniti 10% pro injectionibus) in a package of 10 pieces. Liquid colourless transparent.
     Storage : List B. In the dark spot.

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