Lidaprim (lidaprim)

LIDAPRIM (Lidaprim).
     Combined antibacterial drug. Like baktrimu and sulfatonu contains sulfanilamid with trimethoprim. Sulfanilamidnym component lidaprima is sulfametrol : N - (4-metoksi-1, 2, 5-tiadiazol-3- mud) benzene sulfonamid.
     Sulfametrol has high antibacterial activity, and in combination with trimethoprim (see Baktrim) provides bactericidal activity against gram and gram microorganisms, including bacteria that are resistant to conventional drugs sulfanilamidnym.
     Indications for use lidaprima largely coincides with testimony to the application and baktrima sulfatona.
     Lidaprim effective infection in the upper and lower respiratory tract, ear, nose and throat, kidney and urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract, and prostate, gonorrhea, gynecological infectious diseases and other infections caused by susceptible to drug agents.
     Лидаприм выпускается в разных лекарственных формах; а) таблетки лидаприма , содержащие по 400 мг сульфаметрола и 80 мг триметоприма, в упаковке по 20 или 100 штук; б) таблетки лидаприма форте , покрытые оболочкой, содержащие по 800 мг сульфаметрола и 160 мг триметоприма, в the package of 10; 25 or 50 pieces; c) tablets for children lidaprima containing 100 mg and 20 mg sulfimetrola trimethoprim, in a package of 20 pieces; g) lidaprima suspension (for children) containing 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) sulfametrola 200 mg and 40 mg trimethoprim, in bottles of 50 and 100 ml; d) injection (infusions) in glass bottles of 250 ml containing 800 mg and 160 mg sulfametrola trimethoprim.
     Assign drug for adults and children over 12 years of age inside, usually ranging from 2 tablets lidaprima or one pill lidaprima Fort 2 times a day (morning and evening). Принимают до исчезновения острых проявлений инфекции (не менее 5 дней); затем по 1 таблетке или 1/2 в таблетки лидаприма форте 2 раза в день.
     Patients with chronic pyelonephritis and chronic salmonellonositelstve appoint two tablets lidaprima or one pill lidaprima Fort 2 times a day, the long-term (average 3 months).
     In acute infections can start with intravenous solution lidaprima Infusion; Enter slowly to 250 ml (1 bottle), 2 times a day. When gonorrhea usually designate one pill lidaprima Fort 4 1 per day.
     Детям в возрасте до 2 лет назначают по (1/2 чайной ложки суспензии 2 раза в день, от 2 до 3 лет - по 1 чайной ложке суспензии или по 3 таблетки для детей 2 раза в день; 3 - 6 лет - по 1, 5 teaspoon or three pills a day for children; 6-12-2 tea spoons or four pills for children 2 times a day.
     Possible side effects and contraindications see Baktrim.
     Product : see before.
     Storage : List B.

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