Karbokromen (carbocromenum)

KARBOKROMEN (Carbocromenum) *. 3-(b-Dietilaminoetil) -4 - metil-7- (karbetoksimetoksi) Okseo -2 - (1, 2 hromena) hydrochloride.
     Synonyms : Intenkordin, Intensain, Antiangor, Carbochromen, Cardiocap, Chromonar, Cromene, Intencordin, Intensacrom, Intensain, Intercordin.
     The drug increases the coronary vessels and increases the volumetric rate of coronary blood flow contributes to the development of the circulatory kollateralnogo (in long-term use), improves metabolic processes in the attack. In the framework of a role played by his inhibition effect on fosfodiesterazu accompanied by the accumulation in the cells of cyclic 3 ', 5'- adenozinmonofosfata (see Theophylline).
     At peripheral vascular tone is not affected and lowers AD Systems. The frequency of heart has not changed. Oxytocics depressive effect on the ability to attack has not.
     Due to the relatively low clinical effectiveness, karbokromen limited use, mainly in the early stages of IBS with strokes voltage in the absence of protracted and lengthy strokes when no express stenoziruyuschego process.
     If necessary, you can assign karbokromen with other drugs (cardiac glycosides, tranquilizers, diuretikami etc.).
     Is inside after eating : the 0,075 - 0,15 g (1 - 2 tablets) three times a day.
     In more severe cases, beginning with the admission of 0.15 g four times a day, but once the dosage reduced to 0,075 g of 3 - 4 times a day. It appears that effects of the drug increased (30 to 10-th day) and long-term holding.
     Taking in a few weeks or months (up to 6 months).
     Karbokromen usually well. In some cases, mainly in cases of overdose, there aetiology, headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting. With rapid intravenous possible zagrudinnaya pain, the severity of head, feeling heat.
     Contraindications : gastric ulcer disease, liver disease and kidney failure, distributed stenoziruyuschy atherosclerosis.
     There are indications that drug use may tend to giperkoagulyatsii that require monitoring during treatment for termination of blood, and if necessary, anti-simultaneous appointment.
     Product : pills to 0,075 g (75 mg).
     Storage : List B. In dry, the dark spot.

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