Universal reference book for medicines
Name of the drug: REPARAEF

Active substance: nonappropriate

Type: Preparation, improving trophic and tissue regeneration, for external use

Manufacturer: BELMEDPREPARATY (Republic of Belarus)
A typical clinical and pharmacological article
This information is a reference and it is not enough that the drug has been prescribed by a doctor ..

Combined drug.

Hydroxymethylquinoxylindioxide is a quinoxaline, an antibacterial bactericide of a broad spectrum of action.

Bien is a complex of ethyl esters of polyunsaturated fatty acids, stabilized with О±-tocopherol acetate, which contains essential fatty acids - arachidonic (the precursor of Pg and leukotrienes), oleic, linoleic, linolenic, which are an important component of biological membranes of cells and tissues.

Polyethylene oxide ointment base, which has a high hydrophilicity, provides increased bioavailability of the biene and anti-hydration effect when applying ointment to the wetting wound surface of the skin, promotes the manifestation of the regenerative properties of the preparation in the I phase of the wound process (with abundant purulent discharge).
It facilitates the rapid cleansing of wounds from purulent-necrotic masses, the healing of small wounds, and with extensive purulent lesions allows you to prepare wounds for surgical treatment.
- purulent wounds;

- burns of different etiology and localization;

- pressure sores;

- trophic ulcers.

The ointment is applied a thin layer on the wound surface after primary surgical treatment and / or washing with an antiseptic solution. On top, a sterile gauze cloth is applied, impregnated with an ointment on the inside. Depending on the condition and area of ​​wounds, the application is repeated 1-2 times / day for 4-5 days.
Burning in place of application.


Alphabetical index of medicines:
A  B  V  G  D  E  J
Z  I  Y  K  L  M  N
O  P  R  S  T  U  F
H  C  CH  SH  E  U  Y

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